Skiing in Liechtenstein
We left St. Anton early this morning, headed for Malbun in Liechtenstein. It was a 90 minute drive, and the final few miles took us from the capital of Liechtenstein, Vaduz, up a narrow (1 car wide but 2-way traffic) windy mountain road to Malbun. Along the narrow road we passed this castle, which a family is living in:

We stopped in at the hotel where we would be staying, the Vogeli Alpenhotel Malbun.

We were too early to check in, so we booted up in the parking lot and went skiing!

The vibe at this ski resort was very different from the party vibe at St. Anton. This is very much a family resort, very small. We basically skied everything there was to ski in less than 2 hours. Though the conditions were less than ideal (there were icy patches here and there), it was really fun skiing, and beautiful too. We felt like we found the joy in our sport again!

We found a great place for lunch at the top of the mountain, with beautiful views and delicious food.

The signs indicated that where we were standing, we could see parts of Switzerland, Italy, Austria, and Liechtenstein.

Even the inside of the restaurant was interesting:

Here is the view from our hotel room:

Our Innkeeper, Martin, is the 5th generation of his family to run the hotel. It has been in existence since 1908!

We had a delicious dinner in the hotel dining room this evening. The star of the meal was our dessert, a donut-shaped apple fritter!

We are only staying in Liechtenstein for one night, but we have totally enjoyed this part of the world.
Vertical feet skied today: 7,898.